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Body Casting Explained
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These are lifesize bodycasts taken fom real people.

The part of the body that is to have the cast taken, must have some kind of release agent applied, I usually use vaseline.

Watch out for hairs, of all kinds!(PS. Many thanks to the young ladies husband for taking the pics)
Next, plaster bandage that has been cut in to convenient strips is briefly dipped in warm water and applied to the body.Beware of bubbles, therefore smooth down the bandage, and do not go too far round the body/limb, as you will not be able to remove the cast in one piece.
You need about 4/5 good layers, applied wet on wet to give a cast that will not crack or distort.
From the cast taken above, I weave a bit of magic, and the result is a perfect Bronze copy (shown left) And below, displayed in a perfect setting.(nice legs ..... ! )



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